Booking King Salmon Trips!
I am looking forward to a plug rod in my hand, and a big tug at the other end. Salmon Season is less than a month away, and I am ready! I will be booking Guided Salmon fishing trips from August 12th through October 8th on the Sacramento River and Feather River. I run private party outings, these trips require a minimum of two anglers, and I fish no more than 4 people in the boat, plus myself. I will provide all rods, tackle, bait, and other gear for your trip. I fish G Loomis rods, Shimano and Diawa Reels, and most productive lures and baits. I target Salmon with a few different techniques; Back-trolling Sardine wrapped "plugs" (Flatfish and Quikfish), back-bouncing Salmon roe (cured Salmon eggs), and side drifting eggs. These techniques are very successful on the Feather River and Sacramento River. When fishing with us, we will start the morning early, and be dropping our lines in at legal fishing hours. We will fish plugs for the first couple hours, back trolling through very productive holes. There is nothing more exciting than a Salmon chomping down on a plug. After a few hours working the holes with plugs, I will switch us over to Salmon roe. When I see fish are spread out through the holes, I like to side drift roe to cover water faster, and get our baits in front of more fish produce more bites. When we feel that there is a good number of fish holding in an hole, we will continue to back-troll plugs, or we will back-bounce roe to entice Salmon for a bite. For further information, feel free to give me a call, or write me an email. I look forward to netting your King Salmon.