359,000 King Salmon Projected to return
California Fish and Wildlife is predicting a fantastic returning number King Salmon to the Central Valley rivers. A whopping 359,000 fish, last year we had great action with only 157,000 fish return. I will be guiding both the Sacramento River and Feather River. My available dates are from August 17th through October 13th. I start my season on the Sacramento River fishing the stretch of river between Chico and Red Bluff. Around the beginning of September I will return to the Feather River. Where I will fish from Live Oak to just north of Gridley for the remainder of the season. Both the Sacramento and Feather river provide a breathtaking scenic view with an abundance of wildlife. I target King Salmon with three methods; I typically start the morning off running "plugs". Flatfish, Quikfish, and Brad's Killerfish lures, also know as "plugs", wrapped with sardines that we backtroll deep holes in the river. This provokes the Salmon to unleash an incredible reaction bite. As soon as the sun hits the water I quickly change over to fishing freshly cured Salmon Roe. I fish this roe two ways; backbouncing and side drifting. All three of these methods are very successful, but each have their own times to be deployed. A typical morning on the water will begin by launching the boat before sunrise, and then making our way by jetboat to the first fishing hole to begin the morning. As the day progresses we will bounce around from hole to hole enjoying the scenic view on the water while catching hard fighting King Salmon. At the end of the trip we will get a photo to capture your days catch. Then I will process and bag your fish for you to take home. As always, I offer private party trips with a requirement of two fisherman; as well as, I do many big party trips teamed up with additional great local fishing guides. If you would like to book a Guided King Salmon trip please give me a phone call or send me an email.